Thursday, January 8, 2009


A potentially ominous legislative threat is looming on the pro-life horizon, with the possible enactment of the Freedom of Choice Act (aka FOCA) by the new administration.

In 2009, there is a very real possibility that the Freedom of Choice Act (also known as FOCA) will be passed into law by the new Congress. Such action would result in the repeal of abortion restrictions enacted over the last 30 years; it would allow the use of taxpayer funds for the payment of abortions; permit partial birth and late-term abortions; and rescind protections currently in the law for conscience objections of health care professionals.

Education and activism are paramount in this fight against the murder of millions! Not only should we write our local legislators asking them not to give support to FOCA or similar efforts under different names, but we have to be vocal in encouraging our friends and family to do the same, and to do so nonstop. Once is NOT enough! We also have to educate ourselves so that we can educate others. What is FOCA? What are the implications if it passes? Do you know the answers? Go to and test your knowledge of this heinous act. Most importantly, we must pray. Pray everywhere. Go to Adoration, at St. Maria Goretti on Monday’s from 9am-5pm and Perpetually at both St. Mary’s in Schwenksville and St. Stanislaus in Lansdale. Ask God to touch hearts resolute in making it easier to kill innocent human life. Ask God to guide the hand of President-Elect Obama and to open his heart to life in all its stages. Make the Rosary, with intentions for life (, part of your daily prayer life. Pray for our parish, for our committee, for each other.

Cardinal Rigali has asked parishes to conduct informational sessions about FOCA legislation, and its dire consequences against the culture of life, if enacted. St. Stanislaus parish in Lansdale will be conducting three sessions (two in evenings, one in morning) to inform people about the Freedom of Choice Act, its ramifications, to pray as a community for a greater appreciation and respect for human life, and to write letters to advocate with our legislators to ask them to work to oppose enactment of the Act. If you are tired of wishing your opinions would be known to legislators and want to do something concrete to let them know where you stand on FOCA, this is the opportunity. The sessions will be held during the week of January 12th in the parish center. The first will be on the 12th after the 7pm Mass, the 14th after the 8am Mass, and at 6:45pm on the 15th.

All life is sacred, especially that of our future generations. Please join us in prayer, education, and activism.

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