Friday, February 26, 2010

Terri's Day (PFL)

"Terri's Day" - March 31
March 31, 2010 is the fifth anniversary of the murder of Terri Schiavo.
On that day, the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation (, in collaboration with Priests for Life, again observes the “International Day of Prayer and Remembrance for Terri Schindler Schiavo, and All of Our Vulnerable Brothers and Sisters” (“Terri’s Day”).
This year, for the first time, Terri’s family is without the physical presence of Robert Schindler, Sr., who died on August 29, 2009.
During these weeks, we invite everyone to learn more about Terri, and to pray for all whose lives are threatened in the same way that hers was.
We invite Churches to hold memorial services and to educate their people on the dignity of every human life, despite disability or disease.
We invite educational institutions to help dispel the myths and inaccuracies about Terri’s life and death, and to contribute to a mature reflection on the ethical demands of caring for the weak and vulnerable.
We invite all people to use the resources on our website and to help us continue to draw good out of the sad and tragic way in which Terri was treated.
At, you will find prayers, outlines for memorial services, homily hints, and other suggested activities for this important observance.
Recommended Book
A Will to Live: Clear Answers on End of Life Issues (from The Shepherd’s Voice Series)
By Archbishop Jose Gomez, Archbishop of San Antonio
Archbishop Jose Gomez explains what every Catholic needs to know in order to effectively and morally prepare for the inevitable death of our loved ones and ourselves. With changing values and modern medical technologies to deal with, this booklet explains how to approach end-of-life issues and prepare for death in a way consistent with our Catholic faith. For more information and to order this book visit
Pro-Life Concerts Available
Our Priests are ready and waiting to come to your area to help advance the pro-life cause. Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA, has been with Priests for Life for nine years and is a concert pianist. Father feels a unique interest in relating music and pro-life ministry much as the heart is moved through beauty in life. Contact us to have Fr. Wilde come to your parish or school.
Praise Corner
“Just a note to let you know of our appreciation and thanks to Susan, and your staff in all the work you did to make Fr Wilde's visit to Minnesota so successful. …His words made quite an impact on many people in our parish and community. I know that the many non-Catholics involved in this endeavor were very impressed with Fr. Wilde and the work of Priests for Life. It was great he had the opportunity to meet other Protestant clergy and they were happy to receive the clergy packets. We kept Fr Wilde moving at a steady pace. We loved his energy and passion for life! God bless all of you for your dedicated work”. -- Marlene
Freedom Rides
Become a Freedom Rider for the Unborn as Dr. Alveda King leads the pro-life freedom rides across the nation! You can participate in the rides and rallies, or can do “Freedom Ride” activities from your own home! Find out schedules and activities at
Blessed Margaret of Castello – Feast Day, April 13
Blessed Margaret of Castello was beatified on Oct. 19, 1609. She was born to a wealthy family, and when they saw that she was hunchback, dwarf, blind and lame, they were ashamed of her and kept her hidden from view. Eventually, to make sure nobody saw her condition, the family kept her enclosed in a prison-like cell. One day they took her to a Franciscan Shrine, but then abandoned her there.
Despite her miseries, Margaret was serene, cheerful and courageous. She found strength in prayer, in daily Mass, in Holy Communion, and eventually became a sister of the order of St. Dominic. She has become an inspiration to those who are discouraged and tempted to self-pity. Her story likewise provides a good examination of conscience. If we were around at the time of Blessed Margaret and knew that her family was keeping her in a cell, would we have spoken up for her?
Please join the Priests for Life family in helping to further the cause for her canonization by saying the following prayers. For more information visit
Prayer in Honor of Blessed Margaret of Castello
Your care extends to every human person,
No matter what afflictions they suffer,
And you uphold the dignity of every human life,
Regardless of the false ways that the world may calculate its value.
You gave us Blessed Margaret of Castello as a sign and a challenge.
You permitted your glory to shine through her human weakness,
And called those around her to love her
Despite her physical limitations.
Forgive us when we fail to defend the least among us.
Through the intercession of Blessed Margaret,
Give us grace to speak up for the outcast
and to welcome those who are rejected.
When this brief life is over,
Grant that we who have welcomed all our brothers and sisters,
May be welcomed by you into the life that never ends.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer Intentions

You are encouraged to remember the following intentions as you pray the Liturgy of the Hours:

March intention: That children may witness to their peers about the sanctity of life.
April intention: That religious, by their consecration, lead many to discover that true freedom is found in obedience.
Pro-Life Prayers
Please join us at in praying and promoting the following prayers:
March 31, 2010: Prayer in remembrance of Terri Schiavo
April 4-May 12, 2010: Easter Prayer for Life
Order Key Pro-life Products
Abortion Loss and Unresolved Grief
An Educational Series by Theresa Burke Ph.D., Kevin Burke, LSW and Fr. Frank Pavone on the Psychological and Spiritual Impact of Abortion. This is a 9 DVD set that comes with one course guide. Additional course guides can be ordered separately. (#2324) - $60.00
Abortion Loss and Unresolved Grief Course Guide
This is the course guide to accompany the Educational Series on the Psychological and Spiritual Impact of Abortion. The 9 DVD set above comes with one course guide. (#2378) - $7.00
Sharing the Heart of Christ
By Kevin Burke, LSW * Theresa Burke, Ph.D. * Fr. Frank Pavone
In this book, abortion is presented as a relational wound exploring the effects on Marriage and family life and special chapters address unique issues for clergy in their ministry. This book is for Priests, Deacons, Counselors and Laity in ministry to those suffering after abortion and in need of emotional and spiritual healing. (#2116) - $10.00

This week’s media schedule:
Hear us on EWTN radio on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo. Fr. Frank Pavone is her guest every Wednesday from 9:35-10am ET and Janet Morana is her guest every Friday from 9:10-9:30am ET. For radio station information and to listen to the live show on the internet, go
Defending Life: Watch on EWTN every Friday at 10pm ET and Saturday at 2:30am ET. Listen on EWTN radio every Friday at 1am ET, Saturday at 6:30pm ET and Sunday at 5am ET. For more information or to listen online go to
February 26-28: Blessed to be Alive
Gospel of Life: Watch on Catholic Familyland ( - Sunday at 1am, Monday at 9am, Wednesday at 3:30am and Thursday at 11:30 pm. (All Times Eastern). Also watch on the National Religious Broadcasters network (NRB), Wednesday at 6pm ET.
Week of February 22 on Catholic Familyland and NRB: A Conversation with Bishop Aquila
Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone: 718-980-4400
Fax: 718-980-6515

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